If you want to follow the details of the Full Disclosure nutrition posts, like my Facebook page IntentionallyFit. That’s where all the nitty gritty action is going to take place.
Full Disclosure
Okay, I’m going to go ahead and confess… I struggle to stay on track food wise. I’m pretty good at choosing the correct foods, but in all honesty I struggle to make sure I get all my food in during the day. The days that I do well, I feel great, the days that I don’t, I end up eating half a jar of peanut butter on an apple before I go to bed. Yes, I know that these are choices that I have control over, but some days I make the wrong choice. Period.
During a phone call with my wonderful coach, Monica Ward, I shared some of my struggles and goals. She challenged me to commit to 21 Days of Full Disclosure. So, I’ve decided to do a hybrid workout program consisting of Chalean Extreme and PiYo. Chalean Extreme is a 90 day program designed to build muscle, which is my main goal. PiYo, also builds muscle with a focus on flexibility, something I really NEED in my program. I will be starting the program Sunday September 21st. If you are interested in following my “Full Disclosure” journey please Like my IntentionallyFit Facebook page or continue to follow my daily recap video here.