Physical Fitness, On Purpose
Summer has officially begun here! There is a whiff of “what-ifs” and I think I cans swirling around. We talked about staying motivated the other day, but what should we be motivated to do? Only you can decide what is important to you but the greatest thing is that you actually have the ability to choose! So, how about making a plan to fit your goals? Here are a few steps to create your own plan.
Decide what it is you want to accomplish
Do you want to feel healthier or get in shape for the swimsuit season? (Nothing like the glare of fluorescent lights bouncing off dressing room mirrors to motivate you onto a new meal plan!) Do you want to be able to swim across the lake or hike through the trails this summer? Decide what is important as a priority to you, not just “oh it would be nice if…” kind of thing, but something that really hits you deep that you would love to accomplish.
Reverse Engineer Your Goal
Take whatever it is that you decided was your priority and figure out the things you would need to do to be able to reach that goal. Make a list of the necessary things and steps. Your list may include things like buy new hiking boots or invest in a set of weights or Beachbody On Demand.
Create your Plan
You can create a plan on your own or seek the help of someone who has experience in your particular goal. If you don’t know how to swim, you would obviously start with finding an instructor to teach you lessons. If you want to become more healthy and fit you could ask the help of a coach, like me, to help create the plan that would provide the best path to reach your personal goal. This is a great step because coaches also provide accountability which is part of the next step!
Share your goal with someone who will help you be accountable.
Accountability really works! Find someone or join a group that understands your goal and will help keep you motivated and on track. Having to “check in” or tell someone else how you are doing creates a sense of consequence to go with your choices, both good and bad.
Start your plan and follow through to the Finish!
Start strong. Take each day one step at a time. Focus on your desired outcome, not the obstacles and you will find that you are fully capable of reaching your goal!
Hello! Welcome to June! It’s finally summer time! Although, you can’t really tell since it’s been raining so much. This is about the time where people who have started a new health and fitness routine start feeling their motivation wane. Are you feeling that way? One of the ladies in my 80 Day Obsession support group asked what keeps me motivated to work out and stay on plan and it got me thinking… what does motivate me? What about you?
It’s About the WHY
I’ve seen many many people start new programs with great goals and passion but fall apart after a few weeks. What makes this happen? I believe that it isn’t really about the goal. Yes, goals are important because they help you focus where to put your energy but the reason behind your goals is the clincher. If you choose something that isn’t a deep seated reason to stay within the fight, you will give in every time. There’s not enough at stake to keep you in it when the going gets tough and it will get tough. I’ve found that if you just want to look better or fit a certain size, there isn’t enough “oomph” into your why. it needs to be something deeper and intensely important to you like you want to be healthy enough to play with your kids or you need to lose enough weight to avoid a serious heart issue. These are the kinds of things that give you the desire necessary to fight for yourself. So, ask yourself what is actually important to you?
Be the Kind of Person Who…
Okay, I know this sounds weird but I actually read it in a personal development book (which I can’t remember at this moment). It talked about becoming the kind of person who does…<insert whatever it is you want to accomplish> So, if you want to be someone who stays on track with your health and fitness plan you would start talking to yourself and behaving your way into actually becoming that person. So, obviously to do this, your internal dialogue has to be one of positivity and pure conviction of your original WHY.
Recognize How You Feel
This one takes a little bit longer than the others, mostly because in the beginning you can be really sore! Think about how you feel after the workout, do you feel a sense of accomplishment? Do you feel the endorphin rush when you push yourself through a hard workout? I know that staying on track with my health and fitness routine keeps my depression managed well and that makes it worth it to stay in it for me! It also makes me a better wife, mom, and friend because I think clearer, sleep better, and have better emotional health all around!
Still need help feeling motivated? Join our 80 Day Obsession support group! WE help keep each other going when we just don’t feel like it. 🙂
“You are fat.”
“You are ugly”
“You will never amount to anything”
“See that lady, she has it all together. Look at how she looks down on you.”
“Why can’t you get it together?”
“You’ll never get the weight off.”
“You’ll never fit in, never have friends, never be enough”
“Nobody could ever love you”
“They love you because they haveto.”
“Your own… father, mother, kids, spouse... doesn’t love you, why would anybody else?”
“Sure, you’ve got the weight off, but you are still nothing.”
How do you feel reading these words? Are they familiar to you? Do they sound true? Do they hit that secret doubting space within your heart and soul?
Maybe these words don’t mean anything to you, but I can be honest when I say that every single one of these statements come from my own thought life at some point or another. Where do these thoughts come from? Some may have actually been spoken over us literally others have been whispered into our hearts, but one thing is certain…
They are LIES
Every single one of them. Who would want us to believe these things about ourselves? Only one that is out to destroy. The Bible says that lies come from the Father of Lies who was a murderer from the beginning.
But how do we combat these lies? How do we convince ourselves that we matter? That we are important, loved, and not only valuable but valued? Even when we do not feel it, hear it, or think it. The best way to defeat lies is with the Truth.
“And you will know the Truth and the Truth shall set you FREE”
John 8:32
Fighting with Truth
1. Recognize the statement as false
2. Rephrase the statement with truth. For example “you are so stupid!” rephrased as “You are created in the image of God.”
3. Memorize scripture that identifies who you are in God’s eyes.
Some great examples….
“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephania 3:17
” For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper, for a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
“The King is enthralled by your beauty.” Psalm 45:11
Friend, you are loved immensely.I pray that you learn to fight against the lies with Truth and that it provides a freedom to help you become the best version of you possible!
It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in water daily. Make sure to get it in, we often confuse thirst for hunger.
Don’t purchase your stocking stuffers or treats too early where they sit and stare at you. If you bake, make sure to share with others!
Stay on plan at least 80% of the time. Choose one event/meal to cheat at per week. This makes you focus on what you really want to use as a treat and keeps you from the week long binge. <gasp!>
Dance while you’re at that party! If you work out daily, add an extra walk before dinner or your event. If you don’t work out daily, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Eat a healthy small meal before you go to that event. This will help keep you on track. My favorite go to is a peanut butter chocolate Shakeology.
I don’t know what it is about writing it down, but if I have to log what I eat, I make better choices.
If you are at a party, take a small plate and fill it with fruit and veggie options. Eat them slowly as you make your way around the room and talk with people.
Okay, this one is hard for me. Play games, go outside, or go cruise for Christmas lights.
Welcome to the fourth week in our series The Habits of the IntentionallyFit. I hope you have begun implementing new habits in your lives that will propel you toward becoming more healthy and fit. This week our habit deals with our spiritual health, which is something that many of us tend to neglect as part of a healthy and fulfilling life or we keep it in a category entirely on its own. The problem with this is that our Spiritual health affects every aspect of our overall health. While we can be “physically” fit we can be completely unhealthy spiritually. I hope to encourage you to consider this important aspect of your health.
Spend time daily in quiet solitude, reading, and prayer according to your spiritual beliefs and values.
Growing up I remember finding my mom reading her Bible in the morning, every morning. Her quiet time was always consistent and she modeled this throughout my life. She was always busy, being the mom of four highly active children, but this was a constant habit as long as I can remember.
I learned through her example to spend time daily with Jesus. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned for myself that I am a better wife, mother, and friend after I have had quiet time with Jesus. The benefits of being spiritually healthy overflow into all aspects of our lives. These are available to you as well. So, what does a quiet time or solitude look like in practical life? Here are a few things to keep in mind so you don’t feel lost and wandering.
Spend time in grateful reflection
Quietness allows the noise of the world and daily life to subside. Reflecting on what we have been given and cultivating gratitude changes our perspective in life. Being grateful for our lives and the things we’ve been given helps us maintain a positive mindset which allows us to view difficulties with hope and promise instead of despair.
Study Scriptures and Inspirational Stories
Reading and studying scripture educates us in the path that God wants us to take. We will become what we put in our minds, reading the Bible and books that teach us how to study it teaches us to be more like Jesus and that is a fantastic goal which changes us from the inside out.
Prayer is deliberate discussion with God. Taking time to tell God you are grateful and actively voicing our gratitude to the One who has given us all we have reminds us that we are not the center of the universe, but are cared for by its Creator. Listening for His voice will also help you know what you are called to do and what He wants to tell you about yourself.
Prayer is also a place where we can release our burdens. Handing over our stress, confessing our failures or mistakes, and asking for help can all be done through the quiet habit of prayer. When we give these things to God we acknowledge that we need His help and I promise you, He is faithful to provide it!
Welcome to the third week of our Habits of the IntentionallyFit series! So far we’ve talked about goals and using meal plans. This week we’re going to continue our discussion of the Habits of the IntentionallyFit with an organizational tactic that has changed my own personal health and fitness.
Keep a log or journal of your food and workouts.
Writing everything that you eat into a journal changes your perspective on what you put into your mouth. I’m not exactly sure how it does this, but seeing your food choices on paper really causes you to think of what your goals are and contemplate the consequences for your choices. I hate having to write down poor food choices on my log!
There is accountability in writing down your food choices and workouts. If you don’t see the progress that you desire, you can look back over what you have been doing and tweak changes where necessary.
Writing or logging your food and workouts can be motivating! You can make goals like being able to write down 3 workouts this week or getting enough water in every day. This will help you keep your goals in the front of your mind and help you make choices that move you towards them.
Your journal or log can be on paper or even your phone. There are even apps that help you keep track of everything like myfitnesspal or LoseIt! It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it does need to work for you.
Whatever you choose to use as your log, here are a couple of things to keep in mind.
The Intentional Habit of Using a Meal Plan
Welcome to week 2 of the Habits of the IntentionallyFit. Last week we talked about creating measurable goals. What kind of goals did you make? I decided to create a goal for my business IntentionallyFit. I will offer two accountability groups every month those people I coach.
Today we are talking about the Second Habit of the IntentionallyFit…
Create or Use a Specific Meal Plan
One of the most important things in learning to take care of your body and it’s health is nutrition. Fueling your body with the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and knowing how much of each of those things you need will determine your body’s total health. Nutrition affects your immune system, your sleep cycle, your hormone cycle, your thought processes, and all the other physical and emotional aspects of your life. It’s a huge thing! So, why do we leave it to chance?
Choosing the right meal plan can be difficult. I was at the library the other day and noticed that there are literally hundreds of books on what to eat, most of them focusing on a “diet” or how to lose weight. Healthy fit people know that you must fuel your body well to have it function at it’s best. Remember you can look fit, but not actually be healthy on the inside!
What are some important things to remember when choosing a meal plan?
First, what are your goals?
Your meal plan should work with you to reach your desired health and fitness goals. If you want to build muscle, then your meal plan will need to account for the extra protein and calories you will need to do so. If you are looking to lose weight, does is have a calorie deficit that allows you to work out and not starve?
Does it Include All Food Groups?
I might step on some toes here… does it include all sorts of different colored foods? Does it vilify certain food groups? While there is nothing wrong with eliminating things like processed foods and sugared sweets, there is a danger in saying you need to eliminate all carbs or all fats. We need those kinds of foods for our bodies to work correctly, the important thing is to choose the HEALTHY amount and versions of those food groups. You may need to do research or talk to a nutritionist in some cases.
Is the plan realistic long term?
This is super important! No matter how effective a meal plan is, it won’t be if you can’t stick to it. If it calls for drastic measures or super expensive food, most people won’t be able to follow it for life. A meal plan should move you into a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable for your life. Most diets don’t work because people return to unhealthy lifestyle eating after they have “finished” the diet. People who are intentionally fit do so for the long haul, not just the short term.
The Intentional Habit of Creating Goals
Welcome to the first week of our Habits of the IntentionallyFit series! I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it takes to become healthy and fit. In fact I’ve been working at it for over eleven years! So, I thought it might be helpful if I shared some of the things I have learned over the years. Over the next ten weeks we will explore the habits or fundamental activities that successfully healthy people incorporate into their lives. Please do not think of this list as an exhaustive blueprint, but more of a helpful guideline.
The first Habit of the IntentionallyFit is to create measureable goals to challenge yourself and create a plan for the life you want to live. Goals give you a road map to help make decisions about what is valuable and important to you and those you love.
Goals should have a time limit on them. I once heard someone say that goals without a completion date are just wishes. Break them down into “Long Range Goals” and “Short Range Goals.”
Jim Rohn gives the following questions in his book 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness, as a way to start figuring out what you want.
All these lead into the primary question he states is, “What do I want within the next one to ten years?”
Have you thought about that question? Chances are somewhere at sometime you played around with the idea, but did you really dig in and think it through? Honestly, I had not until I read this and I’m still weeding through the possibilities, but can you see where this could create a habit of success? If you know what you want to do or experience within the next ten years you can devise a roadmap to follow straight towards achieving those specific things!